25 July 2019

Hello and welcome to another edition of This Month in Solid!

Solid is a set of open specifications, built on existing open standards, that describes how to build applications in such a way that users can conveniently switch between data storage providers and application providers and take the data generated along.

This is a monthly summary of Solid progress.

Want something mentioned? Contact the Solid Manager at info@solidproject.org. This Month in Solid is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this month’s issue please submit a pull request.

Updates from the Solid Community

News & Blog Posts

Have you seen any articles about Solid this week? If you’ve seen any articles or written blog posts about Solid please do send them over for next week.

Active conversations about proposals

Here is a little overview of active conversations this week.




Data Browser Project

Node Solid Server Project

Reviewed Solid Proposals

Candidate proposals to the Solid Specification, Solid Roadmap, or Supporting Documentation submitted for review go through an editorial process before they are accepted. You can read more about the details of the submission and review process of proposals here. This week the roles are still being reviewed so

New and Updated Apps, Pods, and Identity Providers

If you have any new apps, Pods, or identity providers make sure to add them to the list so they get included in next weeks edition.

Quote of the week

A good quote is worth a thousand words. If you see any quotes on Solid that you would like to mention, add them here.

Upcoming Events

Solid Events are run by members of the Solid community like you. Solid Event organisers write tips for a organising successful Solid events here

This week there are no upcoming Solid Events but on 2019-07-25 Tim Berners-Lee will be giving a keynote about, among other things, Solid at Campus Party Italia.

Until next week!

Mitzi László

This Month in Solid