Hello and welcome to another edition of This Month in Solid!

Solid is a set of open specifications, built on existing open standards, that describes how to build applications in such a way that users can conveniently switch between data storage providers and application providers and take the data generated along.

This is a monthly summary of Solid progress.

Want something mentioned? Contact the Solid Manager at info@solidproject.org. This Month in Solid is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this month’s issue please submit a pull request.



Solid World is an opportunity to meet people who are interested in or currently working on Solid.

This month the theme of Solid World was geolocation and Sharon Stratsianis kicked off with a talk on the benefits of Geolocation on Solid. The capstone project of her Masters of Information Technology and Distributed Computing at Melbourne University was on Semantic Web and Location Privacy.

Associate Professor Jose Emilio Labra Gayo directs the Web Semantics Reseach Group (WESO) at the Univesity of Oviedo. He explained how he taught approximately one hundred second year bachelor of engineering students how to build Solid apps and explained the course assignments the students were given.

In the third talk, Ángel Maldonado, founder and CEO of Empathy.co, introduced Empathy’s vision for decentralised commerce, as a platform that serves the consumers and not the brands, one that tracks, locates and profiles the store at the service of the consumer as well as the ongoing with work the University of Oviedo. Empathy serves brands such as Inditex, Kroger or Carrefour to connect with their consumers, humanly through Search, Navigation and UI Componentry.

Following the three talks there was the prize ceremony. You can watch the videos and see the code of the entries for the Solid Geolocation challenge.

A big congratulations to Pablo Cañal Suárez, Gema Pozas Rico, Guillermo de Leiva Martinez, Javier Pontón González, Sonia García Lavandera, Tania Mato Martínez, and Sara García Rodriguez from teams en3b1 and es3c for winning the 2020 Solid Geolocation Challenge!

See the en3b1 app, video, source code, technical documentation, and presentation.

You can also see the es3c app, video, source code, technical documentation, and presentation.

If you missed Solid World you can watch the recording here.

The next Solid World will happen on the 6th July 2020. If you have any content requests or would like to present at the next Solid world email info@solidproject.org.

Articles and Talks mentioning Solid

In Other News

External Grants

Chek out the following initiatives which could be a possible match for your work with Solid:

If you know of more grants that could be interesting for the Solid community submit a pull request to let others know about it via the next edition.

Job Openings

  • Digita is hiring a Full Stack Developer and a Linked Data Principal. Email tom@digita.ai for more information.

Update from the Specification Editors

A Submission for Resource Type Heuristics has been merged into the Editor’s Draft of the upcoming Solid protocol specification.

The editorial team has been holding productive monthly meetings aimed at advancing progress towards normative Solid ecosystem specifications. Minutes are posted in the Solid W3C Community Group Wiki, including minutes from our May 15th session.

The Interoperability Panel is working on a Use Cases and Requirements document template that will be submitted to the Specification repository for the submission and curation of UCRs, as well as making substantial progress on an interoperable client ecosystem proposal, with a recent submission detailing an approach for application registration.

Efforts are underway to receive feedback and propose improvements to the way Solid Panels are organized and managed.

The Solid Project forum will be utilized more for communications and subsequent discussions on spec-related activities.

This Month in Solid